Bell Witch:The Movie, produced by Big River Pictures, premieres September 24, 2005, at Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. In a motion picture premiere first, the entire program will be broadcast via satellite/fiber and projected live in full-bandwidth High Definition to theaters throughout the United States.
Approximately eighty theaters are currently set up to receive this digital broad-cast. During the concert, the cameras will cut away to the Director and celeb-rity guests who will then offer a prize to the first person to call in. This project is the creative realization of Co-Executive Producer Randall P. Dark. Bell Witch:The Movie explores the terror experienced by members of the Bell family during the infamous haunting of the Bell Witch in the early 1800s.
from HiDef magazine, volume 7, issue 3
Friday, April 1, 2005
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